Below are the different methods that will guide you on how you can unlock the Wooden Rim Lock when you are outside or inside of your home.

To unlock the Rim lock from the outside, you may either:

Use a PIN (Master or created PINs) code, followed by lock icon. 
Use a Bluetooth Key (Master or Guest)
Use a key card/sticker
Use a Key Fob if you have purchased and paired it to your Rim Lock.

To unlock the Rim Lock from the inside, you may either:

Use a FOB if you have purchased and paired it to your Rim Lock.
Bluetooth Unlock
Multi-function Button

To lock the Rim Lock from the outside, you may either:

Set Auto Re-lock for automatic locking
Press and hold the # button (if auto-relock function has been disabled)
Use the Fob if you have purchased and paired it to your lock.

To lock the Rim lock from the inside, you may either:

Set Auto-relock for automatic locking
Press the multi-function button
Press and hold the Fob if you have purchased and paired it to your Rim Lock.